Sticky Fingers Pancakes

Sticky Fingers Pancakes

Sticky Fingers Bakeries Scone mixes are great for making delicious pancakes. And they're so easy to make!


Prep Time Cook Time  Serves
5 Minutes

6-8 Minutes




  • 1 Package of Sticky Fingers Bakeries Scone Mix
  • 1 2/3 Cup Water
  • Butter or Oil for Greasing Pan


  1. Preheat a skillet or pan to 250 degrees.
  2. While heating the skillet or pan, combine Sticky Fingers Scone Mix and Water in a bowl until no dry mix is visible. Use a whisk when mixing for a smooth batter.
  3. Add butter or oil to the pan, and cook pancakes for 3-4 minutes on each side.
  4. Remove from heat, and enjoy immediately. 

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